Holiday Haunts - The Dickens Press (1963)

Year: 1963

Format: Book

Illustrator: Richard Francis Percy Wilkinson (b.1911)

Client: The Dickens Press

Details: This cover for Holiday Haunts from 1963 is signed 'Wilk' in the corner.

Wilk was the signature of Richard Francis Percy Wilkinson (b.1911), best known for a number of Guinness posters he created in the 1950s.

Holiday Haunts was a series of reference publications providing details of accommodation in popular British holiday resorts. British Railways and GWR published them for many years from the early 1900s until 1962. The Dickens Press replaced them as the publisher from this edition onwards.


Elizabethan (1962)


King and Queen - Qantas (c.1960s)