Meet Mr Brandyman - Martell (1956)

Year: 1956

Format: Print advert

Illustrator: John Bainbridge (1918–1978)

Client: Martell

Details: This 1956 magazine advert for Martell brandy features artwork by John Bainbridge (1918–1978).

John Bainbridge was born in Sydney, Australia. He studied in Melbourne at the Swinbourne Art School and the National Gallery School.

Bainbridge started working as an artist in Australia, exhibiting his work widely. He was appointed art director of the National Theatre, Melbourne in 1940.

He moved to England in 1945, where he worked as a poster artist, documentary maker, exhibition designer, and designer of theatre sets and costumes. He created posters for clients including London Transport, BOAC and Aer Lingus.

He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Industrial Artists in 1959.


Door Locks - Wilmot Breeden (1955)


Group Travel - British Rail (1966)