With Gin…This Is It - Martini (1949)

Year: 1949

Format: Print advert

Illustrator: Hans Schleger (1898-1976)

Client: Martini

Details: This is a 1949 magazine advert for Martini, signed ‘Zero’ - also known as Hans Schleger.

Hans Schleger (1898-1976) was born in Germany into a Jewish family and began his career in Berlin designing publicity material and sets for a film company. He adopted the pseudonym ‘Zero’ in the mid-1920s and went to New York in 1924, bringing his Modernist approach to American advertising.

Schleger returned to Berlin in 1929 to work as an Art Director at Crawford’s advertising agency, before emigrating to England when Hitler came to power. He produced work for many British companies and institutions including Shell, London Underground, the General Post Office and British Railways. He also led the studio team Hans Scheleger Associates for over two decades with his wife Pat Scheleger.


Fridges Galore - Eastern Electricity (c.1960s)


Festival of Britain (1951)