Coming Events - The Sunday Telegraph (1961)

Year: 1961

Format: Mailer (announcement card)

Illustrator: Albany Wiseman (1930-2021)

Client: The Sunday Telegraph

Details: This item takes the form of a greetings card announcing a birth. However, the birth in question is actually that of The Sunday Telegraph (carried in the pouch alongside the joey), which was launched in February 1961. The kangaroo carries a tiny removable copy of the The Daily Telegraph, which also announces the forthcoming introduction of The Sunday Telegraph.

The kangaroo illustration was designed by Albany Wiseman (1930-2021). Wiseman studied at St Albans School of Art before his period of National Service. This was partly spent in Egypt, where he painted murals for the officers’ mess. Sketches he also made during that time are held at the National Army Museum.

After National Service, Wiseman joined the studio of his father, Charles Wiseman, who was an established commercial artist. He took over the studio on his father’s retirement, as well as becoming a visiting tutor at Leicester College of Art.

Wiseman’s illustration style was much in demand during the 1960s - he and David Gentleman were commissioned to illustrate all the telephone directories of Great Britain with landmarks of the different counties.

Wiseman became best known for writing books about practical art techniques. He worked as a professional artist producing drawings, illustrations, prints and paintings. He regularly exhibited his work and taught painting throughout Europe.


Daily Guinness (c.1960s)


Rheuma? Da hilft Melabon (c.1960s)