Map of Wonderful Copenhagen - The Tourist Association of Copenhagen (1975)

Year: 1975 (original artwork created in 1961)

Format: Booklet

Illustrator: Ib Antoni (1929-1973)

Client: The Tourist Association of Copenhagen

Details: The artwork on this 1975 booklet was created by Ib Antoni (1929-1973).

In the 1950s, 60s and early 70s, Danish designer Antoni produced cheerful illustrations for an array of companies around the world such as Volvo, Shell, General Motors, Heinz and LIFE Magazine. Tragically, Ib Antoni died in a hotel fire in 1973 at just 44 years old.

The illustration was created in 1961 and was part of a series of posters for the 'Wonderful Copenhagen' tourism publicity campaign.


Chicago - Braniff International Airways (c.1955)


Zoo Guide - The Zoological Society of London (1959)