Small - But It Takes Any Attack - Volkswagen (c.1950s)

Year: Undated (c.1950s)

Format: Print advert

Illustrator: Hans Looser (1919-1988)

Client: Volkswagen

Details: This print advertisement was featured in an issue of Life magazine and advertises Volkswagen cars. It is undated but other Volkswagen adverts in this style by Looser were published between between 1955 and 1960. The artwork is by Hans Looser (1919-1988).

According to the Museum of Design Zurich, Hans Looser was born in Zurich, Switzerland. He studied at the Zurich School of Fine Art and established his own studio in 1945. Looser worked as a fashion illustrator and poster designer. He opened the Hans Looser AG ascertaining agency in 1953, which became very successful. In a 1964 collaboration with Dr. Rudolf Farner, Looser created the pavilion "Wehrhafte Schweiz" at Expo 64 in Lausanne.

In the 1960s, Looser increasingly made a name for himself as a modern advertiser who was familiar with sophisticated marketing strategies, creating witty concepts combining copy and visuals.

Looser retired in 1985 and created painterly works in the later years of his life.


How to See Paris - Thomas Cook (1956)


Golden Rover - London Country Bus Services