Hoffentlich Allianz Versichert - Allianz (1968)

Year: 1968

Format: Matchbox label

Illustrator: Hansjörg Dorschel

Client: Allianz

Details: This 1968 matchbox label was illustrated by Hansjörg Dorschel.

The designs were incredibly successful, initially appearing in 1958 on 5 million matchboxes and then being used on posters and other forms of advertising. Dorschel's characters were so popular that they even went on to appear in their own animated film the following year.

Dorschel continued to draw the characters for many years and went on to develop the Allianz corporate identity. "Hoffentlich Allianz versichert" appears to roughly translate to "Hopefully Allianz insured".


Childhood Creativity - Kinderpostzegels (1964)


The Spirit of Service - Automobile Association (1961)