Glyndebourne - BP (1965)

Year: 1965

Format: Print advert

Illustrator: Gaynor Chapman

Client: BP

Details: This advert for BP appeared in a 1965 issue of Punch magazine and features artwork by Gaynor Chapman (1935-2000).

Gaynor Chapman studied at the Epsom School of Art, Kingston College of Art and Royal College of Art, where she studied illustration and graphics.

She designed posters for clients including London Transport, Air France and Shell. She also created book illustrations, wallpaper designs and large-scale murals. Most of her published work appeared in the 1960s and 1970s.

She went on to teach at the Brighton College of Art while continuing to paint.


Bath - BP (1964)


Dances Take on New Delight - Osram (1955)