Bath - BP (1964)

Year: 1964

Format: Print advert

Illustrator: Julian Trevelyan

Client: BP

Details: This advert for BP appeared in a 1964 issue of Punch magazine and features artwork by Julian Trevelyan (1910-1988).

Julian Trevelyan was born in Dorking, Surrey. He was educated at Bedales School and Cambridge University, where he read English Literature. Despite having no formal art training, he joined Stanley Hayter's atelier in Paris in 1931. He learned etching and worked alongside many artists including as Ernst, Miró and Picasso. This experience introduced him to Surrealism and he became a founding member of the British Surrealist Group.

Trevelyan served as a camouflage officer in the Royal Engineers during the Second World War. After his marriage to the potter Ursula Darwin ended in 1950, Julian Trevelyan married fellow painter Mary Fedden. They both painted a series of murals for the Festival of Britain (1951) and travelled widely across Europe, Africa and the USA.

Trevelyan was a tutor at Chelsea School of Art from 1950 to 1960. He also worked at the Royal College of Art between 1955 and 1963 and became Head of the Etching Department. He was a highly influential teacher with students including David Hockney, Ron Kitaj and Norman Ackroyd.

In 1986, Trevelyan was awarded a senior fellowship at the Royal College of Art. He was appointed a Royal Academician in 1987. Over 100 of his works are held by the Tate Gallery.


Do Yourself a Good Turn - Castrol (c.1960s)


Glyndebourne - BP (1965)