Ideal Home Exhibition - Daily Mail (1959)

Year: 1959

Format: Programme (catalogue and review)

Illustrator: John Hanna (1919-1992)

Client: Daily Mail

Details: The illustration on the cover of this 1959 Ideal Home Exhibition Catalogue was created by John Hanna (1919-1992).

Hanna was born in Melbourne, Australia and started working as a satirical cartoonist at the age of 20. He emigrated to England in 1947, where he worked in the art department of advertising agency SH Benson. Hanna became a freelance illustrator in 1950.

He returned to Australia in the 1960s to work as an art director, before once again turning freelance.


Runabout Rover Tickets - British Rail (1970)


Coffee for Enjoyment - The Coffee Buyers’ Association (1956)